Achieve Your Victory
Victory Is In Reach What would a victory look like to you? Is it waking up pain-free and rested? Or is it getting through the day without dizzy spells or sharp, blinding headaches? People from young athletes to senior citizens are getting used to the norm of chronic treatment for persistent problems― but your norm today doesn’t have to be your norm tomorrow. In Achieve Your Victory: Solutions for TMD and Sleep Apnea, Dr. Daniel Klauer aims to educate anyone willing to revise what they think is the norm, and plan ahead for their future health. This book will teach you how getting to the source of your problems can help you: ✓ improve restless sleep and increase energy ✓ decrease TMJ pain and keep issues from reoccurring ✓ find victory in better, long-term health.
Monday May 08, 2023
Monday May 08, 2023
0:00 Opening Credits0:20 Dedication0:29 Acknowledgments1:50 About the Author4:27 Foreword by Dr. Douglas Liepert8:04 Foreword by Dr. Steven Olmos10:31 Introduction
Monday May 08, 2023
Monday May 08, 2023
Thursday May 11, 2023
Thursday May 11, 2023
Thursday May 11, 2023
Friday May 12, 2023
Friday May 12, 2023
Friday May 12, 2023
Tuesday May 16, 2023